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Sebastian Schöner
About Me
Exploring 65 years of music
An exploratory data analysis look on MusicBrainz and Discogs
A note on the code
The Data Set
Information on Artists
Countries and Areas
Founding and Parting Year
Information on Releases
Release vs. Masters and Release Groups
Format Flags
Genre and Styles
Lack of Scores
A First Look
Artist Data
Release Data
Releases over time
Release Formats over time, relative
Release Formats over time, absolute
Releases By Genre
Genre Popularity
Styles and their Lifetimes
Styles by releases per year
Genesis of Styles - Times of Creativity
Release distributions over time by subgenre
Song Lengths
Number of Tracks per Release
Track Position and Track Length
Artists and Gender Distribution
Band Lifetimes
Artists by Countries
Final Plots