std::stacktrace, redeemed?

Hey! You can find me on Mastodon and Bluesky!

My last note dealt with collecting callstacks on Windows. As so often, I learned a bunch from what everyone else had to say about it, so here is the collection of the things I have learned.

First, Josh Simmons dug up the original rationale for the design of std::callstack to understand how we got here, found in A Proposal to add stacktrace library:

Current design assumes that by default users wish to see the whole stack and OK with dynamic allocations, because do not construct stacktrace in performance critical places. For those users, who wish to use stacktrace on a hot path or in embedded environments basic_stacktrace allows to provide a custom allocator that allocates on the stack or in some other place, where users thinks it is appropriate.

I personally will not go down the route of basis_stacktrace, because it means adding another layer of complexity to optimize some code that I did not want to have in the first place. What I take away from this is that I am not the intended user, and that is fine.

Next, I took mimalloc out of my program for a moment and returned to the default allocator. The original std::callstack logic then runs in 11s (down from 26s), which I would attribute to it “only” allocating 4.6GB (down from 9.2GB). So in this particular case, mimalloc is slower and more wasteful than the default allocator, interestingly.

My curiosity overcame me at this point so I decided to just step into std::callstack::current(1) and see what happens. It first allocates a std::vector<void*> of size _Max_Frames = 0xFFFF, which explains the large memory usage. I can imagine that repeatedly allocating that particular size could expose pathological codepaths in allocators, so maybe that is making mimalloc extra bad. Then it just calls into RtlCaptureStackBackTrace.

This small adventure also revealed that there is a version of std::callstack::current that allows you to pass in a maximum size for the callstack:

  • Setting that to 32 brings down the time to a more reasonable 112ms (compared to 32ms for the handwritten version without a vector), back again on mimalloc.
  • A generous maximum of 255 stack entries sits at around 187ms.

Bartosz Taudul had previously looked at RtlCaptureStackBackTrace and poked at its internals. That prompted me to look at the implementation of RtlCaptureStackBackTrace as well. I learned three things:

  1. At least on relatively recent versions of Windows, it’s a thin wrapper around RtlWalkFrameChain. I saw no perf difference when using that directly.
  2. The callstack “hash” it computes is really just the sum of the frame addresses (which Bartosz also observed earlier). I wonder whether this is an intentional choice, and if not how many cases there are where this causes false-positives. I do not use the hash and if you pass in null, the calculation is skipped.
  3. The function explicitly checks whether you are asking it to skip more than 0xFE frames, in which case it just exits immediately.

It would be sad to stop now and not also look under the hood of RtlWalkFrameChain. RtlWalkFrameChain is terrible to google for and largely undocumented, but it is quite straight-forward to call once you have resolved it from ntdll.dll (using GetProcAddress). It can be found on Github as part of PHNT.

#define RTL_WALK_USER_MODE_STACK 0x00000001
#define RTL_WALK_VALID_FLAGS 0x00000001

// private
    _Out_writes_(Count - (Flags >> RTL_STACK_WALKING_MODE_FRAMES_TO_SKIP_SHIFT)) PVOID *Callers,
    _In_ ULONG Count,
    _In_ ULONG Flags

The only noteworthy detail about this signature is that the number of frames to skip are shifted into the upper bits of the Flags. The flags (you can only set RTL_WALK_USER_MODE_STACK) are otherwise irrelevant: RtlWalkFrameChain throws them away immediately. The check against 0xFE frames to skip that we saw earlier only exists because RtlWalkFrameChain adds one to that number. It presumably used to be 8 bits at some point, but is now 16 bits. RtlWalkFrameChain just ends up incrementing both inputs and calls into RtlpWalkFrameChain, which does some light setup and then repeatedly calls RtlpVirtualUnwind.

Someone mentioned that the operating system API might only returns callstacks up to a given length anyway, but that loop is only bounded by that size of the buffer we passed into the function, and there are no indications that anything else would stop legitimately deep callstacks from getting fully walked. In particular, a function such as the one below will correctly capture a deep stacktrace (in debug builds – optimized builds do produce a different output here, in my case it’s 1032 vs. 5):

size_t Test(size_t x = 1024) {
    if (x == 0) {
        auto c = std::stacktrace::current();
        return c.size();
        return Test(x - 1);

Finally, Doug Binks pointed out Fredrik Kihlander’s Github repository dbgtools. It’s a small cross-platform library that has logic for collecting callstacks among other things. The interfaces are nice and clean and you bring your own buffers everywhere, which is all I wanted in the first place.

UPDATE: I have yet another follow-up post here.

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