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You have found my personal website.

I am Sebastian Schöner, and you are most likely here because you enjoy programming as well.

Choose your adventure:

  • An Excursion into Miniature Painting

    15 years ago, I picked up some miniatures from the then new Lord of the Rings miniature game. I was in love with the dioramas you can recreate with hundreds of these miniatures but quickly lost interest once I realized that I am completely out of my depth when it... [Read More]
  • A sort of sorts - parallel sorting with sample sort

    At work, I recently had the pleasure of looking into the performance of our sorting code. The original goal was to speed up a specific sorting problem, but I ended up writing a new generic parallel comparison-based sort as one of the optimizations. Since Unity has its own job systems... [Read More]
  • Burst SIMD Exercises

    A year ago I created a bunch of exercises for SIMD programming for an internal HackDay at Unity that I organized. I’ve now decided to make that generally available here on GitHub. The SIMD exercises make use of Burst’s SIMD intrinsics. If you know Unity, this is probably the nicest... [Read More]
  • So you are an engineering team lead

    I have learned a ton about leading a team of software engineers over the last year. I kind of slipped into this role, half by accident, half intentionally. Here are some of my learnings in the hopes that they serve you when you are in a similar situation. [Read More]
  • What is a fifth?

    For years I had been trying to understand music theory, and somehow it never clicked until a 3 years ago. I had been told frequently that there is mathematical beauty to be found in music theory, yet I was never able to find it. People very quickly go from “music”... [Read More]