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You have found my personal website.

I am Sebastian Schöner, and you are most likely here because you enjoy programming as well.

Choose your adventure:

  • Different kinds of people

    One experience that came hand-in-hand with having kids is that I now find myself having much more in common with people that I previously did not share much ground with. If you have chosen to have kids (and do not regret it) then that is usually a good indicator that... [Read More]
  • Programming without friction

    I recently wanted to get a better overview of our household’s finances. One misconception about my new found independence might be that my previous employments left me so wealthy that I have no reason to ever work again. Unfortunately not! No, independence merely means “I have my own business and... [Read More]
  • How and why I wrote a build system

    A perennial pet peeve of mine (and of every C++ programmer, presumably) is the apparent lack of a default build system. There are two separate problems here: First, everyone is using a different build system. Second, what build system should I use? I am interested in the latter problem, not... [Read More]
  • How to use DbgHelp to download symbol files

    I could not find a guide online for how to use DbgHelp to download symbols for a binary on disk on Windows. It seemed like a relatively obvious question, hence I decided to record the answer in the hopes that more people use this to write debugger-shaped software. We should... [Read More]
  • Stack-Walking and generated code

    Last summer I looked at capturing callstacks (here and here) and ultimately landed on using RtlCaptureStackBackTrace. I had a short note saying that StackWalk64 was a slower alternative and that I had not found cases in which they disagreed. Now I have! [Read More]