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I am Sebastian Schöner, and you are most likely here because you enjoy programming as well.

Choose your adventure:

  • Should Unity be making games?

    There is this general assumption that engines get better just by having the engine maker also use the engine to make games. I want to add some thoughts to that. [Read More]
  • Performance theories

    Last time, I wrote about data and decision making, and some frustrations when people pretend like “data” is always the solution. Now let’s look at a place where data very often is (part of) the answer: Profiling and performance is a comparatively forgiving space data-wise, because at least the hypothesis... [Read More]
  • A non-exhaustive list of faults in Unity's Cache Server

    I recently looked into setting up a Unity cache server (“Accelerator”). It is quickly becoming clear that the accelerator is not, in fact, accelerating Unity. Here is a list of shortcomings: Some of the most expensive asset types are not even cached. In particular, neither shader graph assets nor VFX... [Read More]