Asynchronous programming in C# and the Task monad

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Asynchronous programming in C# is truly awesome. I’m not going to give a full introduction into the topic, but here is the general gist: Suppose you have a operation that is expensive, not because it is CPU-heavy, but because it involves a lot of waiting. Typical examples of this are sending web requests or doing disk I/O. You could have a thread just wait for a hardware controller to come back with it with some results (the thread is blocked, the operation is blocking), or that thread could do something useful while it is waiting. C# gives you the option to do the latter very easily. Before async/await you had to juggle callbacks and use BeginAsync/EndAsync in cumbersome ways.

Async/Await in C#

Here is an example of that: Opening a file and reading it in full. This is not real C# code, though it is syntactically valid; the API just looks different in practice. In a real-world scenario, you most likely do not want to read the file all at once, but let’s roll with it for the sake of this example:

// Task<string> is a future/promise to provide a string as soon as the operation is finished.
// async means that this function can use await
async Task<string> ReadFileAsync(string path) {

    // OpenFileAsync returns Task<File>
    File f = await OpenFileAsync(path);

    // ReadAsync returns Task<string>
    string contents = await f.ReadAsync();

    // Close returns Task
    await f.Close();

    // because this is an async function, we can return a string instead of a Task<string>
    return contents;

As you can see, await is used to transform a promise Task<string> to a manifest string. Under the hood, this means that whenever the execution hits on an await, it pauses the execution of the function and returns to the caller. Once the async operation is done, some thread will continue right after the await. If you are used to iterator-functions in C#, this shouldn’t be hard to understand. There are plenty of questions that should immediately come to mind when you read this for the first time: Which thread is continuing the execution? What about exceptions in the asynchronous operations? How is this implemented by the compiler? We might look into that some other day, because it is all worth learning about if you are using async. How else are you going to understand the costs of using it?

Tasks and async

I only want to make two small points right now: First, async is not part of the function’s type signature. It just allows you to use await in the function and instructs the compiler to transform the function into a fancy state machine. Second, and more importantly, you are not waiting for an asynchronous function but for a Task (or some other awaitable object in general). The Task represents the operation and this is what you are awaiting. You can also return a Task from a non-async method by just constructing the Task and returning it. For example:

interface IStringer {
    Task<string> GetString();

class Stringer1 : IStringer {
    public Task<string> GetString() {
        // Creates a Task that is not asynchronous at all! It already contains the computed value.
        // Awaiting this task will happen synchronously and not suspend the execution of the
        // awaiting method.
        return Task.FromResult("my string");

class Stringer2 : IStringer {
    public Task<string> GetString() {
        // ReadFileAsync is async and returns a Task<string>, but this method is *not* async. It just
        // returns an async operation you can wait on.
        return ReadFileAsync("/path/to/file");

Task Monad

When I see the type Task<T>, I think monad. Indeed, it is straight-forward to build the corresponding methods: return is simply Task.FromResult and bind comes down to this:

public static async Task<T> Bind<R, T>(this Task<R> task, System.Func<R, Task<T>> f) {
    var r = await task;
    return await f(r);

For completeness, here is the corresponding Map implementation:

public static Task<T> Map<R, T>(this Task<R> task, System.Func<R, T> f) {
    return task.ContinueWith(r => f(task.Result));

Of course, the implementation for these methods is pretty straight forward, but I find them very helpful and cannot understand why they are not part of the standard library. In fact, I have a whole bunch of overloads for Bind that make working with Tasks somewhat easier:

public static class TaskHelper {
        public static Task<T> Map<R, T>(this Task<R> task, System.Func<R, T> f) {
            return task.ContinueWith(r => f(task.Result));

        public static async Task<T> Bind<R, T>(this Task<R> task, System.Func<R, Task<T>> f) {
            var r = await task;
            return await f(r);

        public static async Task Bind<R>(this Task<R> task, System.Func<R, Task> f) {
            var r = await task;
            await f(r);

        public static async Task<T> Bind<T>(this Task task, System.Func<Task<T>> f) {
            await task;
            return await f();

        public static async Task Bind(this Task task, System.Func<Task> f) {
            await task;
            await f();
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